Wednesday, 12 February 2014


I will start tonight from the same tip where i put my pen down some days ago...
  I shared my two live experiences in my previous writing and trust me it was no preachings but i really felt those things...

  I want to add up here some more appearances in this show..
   You are so damn smart and can cheat everyone from the interviewer to your girlfriend,
you can dodge your teacher and you can make a fool of your parents too but what when the examiner will be "You" yourself??
  Will you able to dodge or cheat yourself??
  No mate!! Not at all..
You,me and everyone is running behind brand names and thinking we are heading in a perfect direction.. but wait!!!!! What's there?
you are actually leaving behind your precious days of life which you won't be able to relive again
(sorry if  someone of you've already got any 'Time Machine'... :P)
  Yes you bought a house,parked a sexy car in it and proud husband/wife of a smart spouse..but lemme show you one more side of the same coin-
  Some friend of yours asking you to dance in the party and you avoid him/her by saying-
"Are you crazy?What people will say!!"
   but deep down in your heart you also want to be a part of those dancing footsteps!!
Don't you feel here your Social Status is dominating your Original 'You'??
   Damn It Man but trust me it's truth!!!
  What when your so Called 'Possessions' will become boring for you at some point of time?
    You have everything what you desired once but you don't have that Young freaking Heart to feel the heat of those possessions!!
   tell me if any money in the world can bring you back your that time which you spent(or i should say wasted) in securing that so called 'Status'
    No! No! No! and strictly No!
     My friend if you think you are any exception then you are only dodging yourself similarly like a kid, standing in sunlight with his eyes closed and saying to his mother-
  " Hey it's so dark here!
  Life is so damn cruelly punctual and it will punch you hard at the right time..
               Surely you don't have any control over this but what you can do is let the past go, make a Tight grip over your today and don't try to control the future!
     in a nutshell what I am trying to say is to just simply LIVE your life because in the end,just before the final goodbye to the world Your heart,brain and soul will be looking forward only for

So Instead of Adding Days to Life Add Life to Days!

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